The first day of daylight savings time is probably my favorite day of the year. It's all about the promise of long, warm afternoons and evenings on the patio. You know that the short, dark days will soon be over. The seeds you planted are starting to pop up which reminds you that you'll soon be eating fresh tomatoes and barbecuing. When I woke up to glorious sunshine and the promise of 75+ degree day I decided to spend it in the garden trying out some new Shibori folding and dyeing ideas. Photographed above is a piece of 100% linen that I accordion folded into squares and then used two house numbers to create an oval pattern. I tied it all down with some scrap yarn and dyed it my favorite deep blue. Next I'll begin manipulating it in Photoshop and Illustrator to creat a repeating pattern.
Carlyn Clark's second try at Shibori folding and dyeing. #3, Linen