I'm a summer person. I wish it would never end. For as long as I can remember I've sadly watched Fall approach. I'm guessing it began when I knew I had to go back to school soon, which was never something I looked forward to. I can't remember a time I didn't feel melancholy as summer ended.
Once I had kids the feeling was only reinforced. I loved the long days of summer. Eating dinner late outside in the warm summer nights was glorious. Getting up late and having nowhere important to go was so luxurious. No homework. No school projects. No PTA meetings. No frantic morning routine. All good.
Curiously, even though none of those responsibilities remain, I still find myself feeling a bit sad that summer is ending. I have no emotion around New Year's, it feels like just another day among many. So this year I decided to see if I could stop habituated patterns and find a new way to experience Fall.
So: Hello, Spring!
Thanks to the shortened production schedules of the world today many companies are gearing up print production for Spring 2015.
One of the best benefit's of coursework at Pattern Observer (outside of the obvious - they're great, helpful, knowledgeable people; you'll learn more than you ever knew you needed to know; and they'll guide you to actually start earning money from this dream you have) is that you get WGSN trend access.
So, my antidote to the pre-Fall doldrums was to spend some time researching Spring 2015 trends and going back to prints I'd previously developed and recoloring them. I found some great tutorials on using Illustrator to recolor artwork and had a great time plugging in WGSN's Spring 2015 color palettes to my prints. From that research this new print emerged. To me it looks fresh and energetic and made me forget that Fall is approaching. And Fall approaching is really just a mental thing; it was 85.5 degrees on the thermo next to my bed at 8 p.m. tonight. Here in SoCal we've got another month of summer!