Beginning in 2019, encaustic artist Caryl St. Ama, painter Margaret Lazzari, mixed-media artist Nancy Kay Turner and I began a collaborative project using color as a commonality. As part of the Hana Kark Collective we each worked independently to create 25 birch plywood panels, 6” x 6” each, in each primary and secondary color. We started with blue, intending to work our way through the spectrum. Without a clear idea of how we would ultimately assemble the work, or where the process might lead us, we began. We had our first exhibitions of the work, mid-process, in September 2019.
The fifth color we worked on was yellow. In the red series I used single words or phrases without an end “story” in mind. I had a lot of gessoed pages left over and began putting them together to tell small tales. Stitching on the paper for the red series got me thinking about the similarities and differences between paper and cloth and I wondered how to work with them together. I tried quite a few different ways.
The stitched pieces are laminated to 3/4” baltic birch plywood. Click on the images below for a close-up view and detailed description.